Nick Brady and Haile Kifer
Nick Brady and Haile Kifer | The Defense of Byron David Smith
Nick Brady and Haile Kifer
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Some times are approximate
11:25a: Byron David Smith moved his truck away from his property.
11:45a: Smith returned to his property, walking through the backyard.
12: Byron Smith began recording himself.
12:11p: Byron whispered “in your left eye”.
12:17p: Byron recorded himself practicing a phone call with his brother.
12:23p: Byron recorded himself rehearsing a conversation with an attorney.
12:30p: Nicholas Brady approached Smith’s house.
12:39p: Nick Brady went off camera after trying various doors. Shortly after, he broke a window and entered the house.
12:51p: Haile Kifer approached Byron Smith’s house.
By 1p: both Nick Brady and Haile Kifer were killed.
Friday, November 22, 2012
10:30a: Byron Smith called his neighbor asking for assistance in finding and attorney.
1:35p: Unable to find an available appointment with a lawyer, Byron Smith’s friend called the sheriff and they arrived at the house.
1:45p: Byron Smith was taken into custody.
4p: After sitting for an interview, Byron Smith was charged with 2nd degree murder.
Wednesday, April 25, 2013
Sixty-four-year-old Byron David Smith was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of first degree murder.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
After a week long trial, a jury found Byron Smith guilty of the first degree murders of Nicholas Brady and Haile Kifer.
Byron Smith
Sources: 2024 Crimelines Podcast Source List