Dorothy Miller Crimeline
Dorothy Miller
Dorothy Miller
August 15, 1969: Dorothy Miller, along with her husband, pick up a man who went by Robert Clark to show him a house. Dorothy was one of, if not the only, female realtor at the time.
August 16, 1969: Robert Clark calls Dorothy again and asks to see the house for a second time so he can take pictures for his wife. Dorothy was busy that day and they planned for a viewing in two days. Dorothy went to an appointment for a vacant lot but the prospective buyer no showed.
August 18, 1969: Between 7 and 7:30, Dorothy arrived near the Maple Leaf Tavern to pick up Robert Clark. Neighbors of the vacant house saw them go in.
August 19, 1969: Dorothy’s husband Fred woke up around 5 or 5:30 in the morning and realized Dorothy never made it home. After the police are contacted, officers searched the house Dorothy was showing to Robert Clark. They found her body in an upstairs closet.
August 22, 1969: Dorothy Miller’s funeral was held and it was the largest funeral in Burlington, Iowa up to that point.
The killer was seen with a cab-over-engine pick up like the one pictured.
This case has never been solved. Serial killer Mike DeBardelaben has been noted to have a similar MO and resembles the composite sketch of “Robert Clark.”
If you or anyone you know has information concerning Dorothy Miller’s case, you are asked to contact the Burlington Police Department at 319-753-8375.
Sources: 2024 Crimelines Podcast Source List