Kay Mortensen Crimeline

Kay Mortensen | False Suspects

Kay Mortensen

November 16, 2009: Kay Mortensen was found dead in his home by his son and daughter-in-law who claimed they encountered two intruders when they arrived at the scene. The only items stolen were 24-32 guns. 

July 29, 2010: After a grand jury was called, Roger and Pamela Mortensen were arrested and charged with the murder of Kay Mortensen. The evidence against them was circumstantial.

Pam and Roger Mortensen

December 5, 2010: A woman named Rachel came forward to say that her ex husband, Martin Bond, had confessed to her that he and his friend Benjamin Rettig were the home intruders who killed Kay Mortensen. After leading the police to where the guns were hidden, the two men were quickly arrested. 

Still shot from Rachel’s video recorded statement to the police.

June 2, 2011: Benjamin Rettig pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and aggravated kidnapping in exchange for a life with parole sentence. Prior to sentencing, he attempted to withdraw his guilty plea but eventually dropped that motion. 

October 2011: Pam and Roger Mortensen filed a lawsuit against the county sheriff and prosecutor for their false arrest, claiming they misrepresented evidence to the grand jury.

December 13, 2011: Benjamin Rettig was sentenced to 25-life. 

Martin Bond and Benjamin Rettig

October 2012: The civil suit filed by Roger and Pam Mortensen was dismissed after the April 2012 Supreme Court ruling in Rehberg v. Paulk gave those testifying in front of a grand jury absolute immunity. 

January 2013: Martin Bond’s trial was held. Benjamin Rettig, who had agreed to testify against him, pleaded the fifth on most questions. In spite of that, he was found guilty on multiple charges including murder and kidnapping. 

March 5, 2013: Martin Bond was sentenced to life without parole, being spared the death penalty due to a sentencing deal he made with prosecutors.
