The 3X Murders
Guy kills people. No one knows who he is. You know, the usual.
Today’s Sponsors
Himalaya Plus:
Hosted and edited by Lars Hacking
Written and researched by Charlie Worroll
Music by Marc Walloch
Cover art by Lars Hacking
The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes, Second Ed., Michael Newton, 2009
The 3X Murders by Jack Mauder, accessed at the Unz Review
Famous Crimes the World Forgot, Jason Morrow, 2014
2,000 Police Patrol Queens in Wide Hunt for Slayer of Two, New York Times, 19 June 1930
3-X Notes Writer Demented Is Taken, New York Times, 17 Aug. 1930
3-X Suspect Sues Police, New York Times, 19 Oct. 1930
"Best Clue' Fails in Queens Slayings, New York Times, 25 June 1930
Fake 'Killer' Goes to Asylum, New York Times, 12 Jun 1936
Find New 3-X Note a Fake, New York Times, 6 Aug 1930
Hear Queens Slayer Is Posing as Woman, New York Times, 23 Jun 1930
Hunt for Suicide as Queens Slayer, New York Times, 6 Jul 1930
Mulrooney Is Sure '3X' Killer Has Fled, New York Times, 8 Jul 1930
New Threat Laid to Queens Slayer, New York Times, 24 Jun 1930
Question Girl in Murder." New York Times 15 June 1930
Self-styled Killer Phones to Harvey, New York Times, 27 June 1930
Slayer Now Warns Brother of Victim New York Times, 21 June 1930