Who's Afraid of LaDonna Humphrey

Who’s Afraid of LaDonna Humphrey

Anthony Christopher

2017: Anthony Christopher opens Absolute Pediatric, a therapy center for children in Northwest Arkansas.

May 14, 2018: Absolute hired LaDonna Humphrey for a newly created position as "community outreach director."

September 20, 2018: LaDonna Humphrey was fired for “failing to meet expectations”.

October 2018: Anthony Christopher filed a civil lawsuit against LaDonna Humphrey alleging nine counts including: tortious interference with business expectancies, defamation, breach of contract, misappropriation of trade secrets, conversion, and unjust enrichment.

April 15 and May 6, 2019: Evidentiary hearings were held.

August 14, 2019: The court found that Ms. Humphrey had engaged in "active and aggressive spoliation of evidence," and found her "to be in willful contempt" of prior court orders. LaDonna Humphrey’s answer and counterclaim were struck, and the court found her liable for the claims made by Anthony Christopher and Absolute Pediatrics.

She also spent 10 days in jail for 5 instances of contempt.

September 17, 2019: The judge ordered a judgement $3,570,977.88 against LaDonna Humphrey. Half was compensatory damages and half was punitive damages. LaDonna Humphrey is appealing the monetary judgement.

March 2020: Anthony Christopher was arrested and later charged with medicaid fraud.

October 13, 2023: The state filed a motion to enter nolle prosequi, meaning they were not proceeding with the charges against Anthony Christopher. For their reasoning, they wrote:

“The State has made significant efforts to shore up witnesses and evidence in order to fully prosecute this case. However, due to the length of time that has transpired, evidence has become stale, and witnesses have become unavailable. At this point, the State cannot go forward because it is not possible to meet our burden of proof on the charges filed.”

Emphasis added.

Here about this and more on Season 18 of the Pretend podcast, a show about real people pretending to be somewhere else.

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